Feria Nordestino….Forro for Lovers

A couple of nights ago I was listening to samba and met some Amazonians who invited me to go to São Cristóvão. Not knowing where it was or where they wanted to take me, I quickly accepted my offer. The next thing I know I am on a bus headed towards Centro to a dark place with nothing around me.  The bus stops and everyone … Continue reading Feria Nordestino….Forro for Lovers

Slacklining Revolution

What is slacklining? Slacklining: is a practice in balance that typically uses nylon webbing tensioned between two anchor points. Slacklining is distinct from tightrope walking in that the line is not held rigidly taut (although it is still under some tension); it is instead dynamic, stretching and bouncing like a long and narrow trampoline. The line’s tension can be adjusted to suit the user and … Continue reading Slacklining Revolution

Hello world!

Vista from Luta Pela Paz of Complexo da Maré I am New School graduate student studying international affairs and media working on a youth media project in Complexo da Maré, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In collaboration with the NGO Luta Pela Paz, I, along with 4 other graduate students will be working in Nova Holanda, Maré, with 10 young adults ages 12-17 making personal film-based narratives centered … Continue reading Hello world!